I've Lived Entire Lives in Daydream

by Melissa McGeary

“… my imagination spins entire lives
lived in the infinite spaces between seconds.”

I wander aimlessly around the house, out of focus,
blurred lines of a woman.

Inattention propelling me in listless circles
with no more volition than dust motes sent swirling
through rays of sunlight by a sighing breeze through the

Bare feet plodding against aged hardwood
creaking, groaning
the worn wood to my rusty soul, tired and jaded.

An ache, an itch I can’t reach
trying to outpace mundanity
while my imagination spins entire lives
lived in the infinite spaces between seconds.

Discontent, like a worn sweater
wearing circles in the floor.

I’m not living anymore, just waiting
for death to knock at my door
and relieve me this ennui.

Melissa McGeary is a librarian from NJ.

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